Part Number Description
ASR5K-00-SNXXALES APN Aliasing per 1K SAAU (ASR5500 only)
ASR5K-00-SN01GEIF= Ge Interface License, per 1K SAAUs
ASR5K-00-SN01GEIF Ge Interface License, per 1K SAAUs (ASR5500 only)
LIF5K-00-SN01LG Location Based Svcs SGSN, MME- SLs/SLg/Lg, 1K Sess f/o ASR55
LIF5K-00-SN01LRCM Location Reporting Connected-Mode, 1K Sess Failovr (ASR5500)
ASR5K-00-SN01LRCM Location reporting in Connected-mode, 1K Sess (ASR5500 only)
ASR5K-00-SN01REC= Session Recovery, SGSN, per 1K SAAUs
ASR5K-00-SN01REC Session Recovery, SGSN, per 1K SAAUs (ASR5500 only)
LIF5K-00-SN01REC Session Recovery, SGSN, per 1K SAAUs (Failover ASR5500 only)
ASR5K-00-SN01DIRT= SGSN Direct Tunnel, per 1k SAAUs
ASR5K-00-SN01DIRT SGSN Direct Tunnel, per 1k SAAUs (ASR5500 only)
LIF5K-00-SN01DIRT SGSN Direct Tunnel, per 1k SAAUs (Failover) (ASR5500 only)
ASR5K-00-SN01GDIF= SGSN Gd Interface, Per 1K SAAUs
ASR5K-99-SN01GDIF SGSN Gd Interface, Per 1K SAAUs
ASR5K-00-SN01GDIF SGSN Gd Interface, Per 1K SAAUs (ASR5500 only)
ASR5K-00-SN01FLEX= SGSN Iu/Gb Flex and Pooling, per 1K SAAUs
ASR5K-00-SN01FLEX SGSN Iu/Gb Flex and Pooling, per 1K SAAUs (ASR5500 only)
ASR5K-00-SN01S13 SGSN S13 Interface, 1K SAAUs (ASR5500 only)
LIF5K-00-SN01S13 SGSN S13 Interface, 1K SAAUs (Failover) (ASR5500 only)
ASR5K-00-SN10S3IS= SGSN S3/S4, S6d, S13 ISR Software Bundle, 10K SAAU (ASR5500)