Part Number Description
L-VTS-DCI RTM Net Subscription pricing per DCI
L-VTS-DCI= RTM Net Subscription pricing per DCI
L-VTS-FEX-VTEP RTM Net Subscription Pricing per FEX
L-VTS-FIX-LEAF= RTM Net Subscription pricing per HW VTEP i.e Fixed switch
L-VTS-FIX-LEAF RTM Net Subscription pricing per HW VTEP i.e Fixed switch
L-VTS-MOD-LEAF RTM Net Subscription pricing per HW VTEP i.e Modular switch
L-VTS-MOD-LEAF= RTM Net Subscription pricing per HW VTEP i.e Modular switch
VTS-DCI-SIA-1 VTS License to Manage DCI - Sofware Innovation
VTS-FIX-LEAF-SIA-1 VTS License to Manage FIX HW VTEP Sofware Innovation
VTS-VTEPO100-SIA-1 VTS License to Manage VTF/Socket pair )= 100 SW Innovation
VTS26-CTRHA-SIA-1 VTS HA pair license of Overlay and Route Controller SIA
VTS-FEX-SIA-1 VTS License to Manage FEX Sofware Innovation
VTS-MOD-LEAF-SIA-1 VTS License to Manage Modular HW VTEP Sofware Innovation
VTS-VTEPL100-SIA-1 VTS License to Manage VTF/Socket pair (100 SW Innovation