Part Number Description
NTRNDS-FP-PRO-T Feature pack Professional, adv service test and monitor
NTRNDS-FP-VIDEO-T Feature pack Video, IPTV and OTT-HLS
NTRNDS-FP-REFL-T FP Refl, TWAMP,Y.1731,Path Trace, UDP Loopbk,UDP & ICMP echo
NTRNDS-TS1-T-K9 License for 1 instance of Test Agent, up to 10 streams
NTRNDS-IPTV-S-T License for 10 IPTV streams (lic. per test agent)
NTRNDS-IPTV-L-T License for 500 IPTV streams (lic. per test agent)
NTRNDS-REFL-100-T License to use up to 100 reflectors
APPS-NT-S-LC Netrounds claims and Info Doc
APPS-NT-P-LC Netrounds claims and Info Doc
NTRNDS-NCC-L-T-K9 Netrounds Control Center for system operations
NTRNDS-OAPI-T-K9 Netrounds Orchestration API (Netconf/YANG)